Wow. It's been close to a month since I last posted, and I sure miss it. Maybe you took my inactivity to be a sign of abandonment. But alas! Such abandonment is not to be so until I so say so. Sadly every time I've been wanting to post there's been a lack of either a) text to type, or b) photos that have at least some vague sense of inspiration-arousing ability. Nevertheless, for those of you who still do read this, welcome back. Thanks for your undying support, and your insatiable appetite for literary trash. On a happier note, say hello to my new friend, D40x. Technicalities aside, it fulfils all util points and happiness quotients for the present, as I allow myself to obessess incessantly about how I actually now have a camera which doesn't stop to ring or vibrate half way through trying to take a photo. Perhaps the only sad thing is that I can't exactly play tennis with it. Depressing, I know, but a worthwhile trade for something with what, three times the amount of megapixels? I promised less technical talk, so I'll conclude my rant for today, but if ever you have cravings for ravings, you know who to look for.
The gray road stretches
Up ahead, but hey, don't we
Enjoy the going?
We're back in business.
viewed from here,